At the 3/7/2024 Public Meeting, neighbors were shocked to discover that what they believed to be an opportunity for community input turned out to be a presentation of a completed design by TxDOT.
Per the Texas Administrative Code:
(a) Purpose. A public hearing is held to present project alternatives and to encourage and solicit public comment.
The second graphic above are the current improvements to problem intersections that have already begun construction.
Why not allow these improvements to be completed and assess the needs of the road before fast-tracking the behemoth proposed plan?
The "heat map" above is the exhibit board used at the public open house to support the claim this is a dangerous road. The source is not cited nor is the actual numerical data provided.
The first map shows the actual numbers associated with the colored areas that were not presented to the public.
We believe that using county-wide population projections without considering local development plans and shifting growth patterns result in inaccurate predictions for this area within Travis County, particularly those designated as environmentally sensitive. Adjustments to the projection methodology by TxDOT should be made to account for these factors to provide more precise estimates for future population growth.
The growth in traffic projections does not seem to align with observed traffic patterns or account for anticipated modifications, such as the construction of the Oak Hill Parkway on US 290. This misalignment raises questions about the accuracy and reliability of the projections. The absence of time-of-day data for peak traffic exhibits limits the understanding of when peak traffic occurs and the extent of congestion during these times. Time-of-day variations are crucial for identifying peak congestion periods and implementing targeted solutions to alleviate traffic issues.